Picture Books, Book Illustrations and Editorial

These are several Children's book projects, an illustrated fairy tale, illustrations for a book about
traditions and festivals from Krefeld and the Niederrhein and an editorial project from my studies.

↓ Click on any of the book covers to view the details, pages and sketches.

Wie es früher war - Feste und Bräuche aus Krefeld und vom Niederrhein
Book Illustration (2021)

In april 2021 my father forwarded a request e-mail from a friend, who was looking
for someone to illustrate his coming book he was writing. Heinz Webers already
published several books about Krefeld dialect and was now concentrating on a book
about traditions and festivals.

Text © Heinz Webers (www.krieewelsch.de)
Title, Illustrations, Layout © Susanna Welzel

Pages: 150
Pictures: 47 (plus 20 that did not make it into the book)

Die Geschichte von den Purzeltieren - Teil 2
Private Children's book (2020)

This is part two of the story about the Purzeltiere.
This time we learn to know where these animals live and see the next adventures
they experience with a rusty bath tub, a broken fridge and an old buggy.

Story © Ulrich Tichlers

Pages: 37
Pictures: 33

Die Geschichte von den Purzeltieren
Private Children's book (2012)

Every grandchild of the author has an imaginary best-friend-pet, a so
called Purzeltier. Together they conquer adventures, for example catching
a raisin thief.

Story © Ulrich Tichlers

Pages: 25
Pictures: 19

Rote Riesen, Weiße Zwerge, Schwarze Löcher
Bachelor 2012

Hanna awaits a boring time at her grandparent's house. Or so she thinks.
But when exploring the place, she finds herself in the attic that is full
of strange books with titles like "Red Giants, White Dwarfs, Black Holes"
- What might that mean? Might it be Grandpa knows more...?

Pages: 56

Der Einsamste DJ der Welt - Mike Litt
Illustrations for a Book Promition (2012)

For the husband of my cousin - a well known radio host, I made illustrations
for the trailer to promote his autobiographic novel.

Pictures: 7

Erics Fieber
University Children's book Project (2010)
Cooperation with author, publisher and others

Little Eric has a fever caused by the so called Feuerdrachenfliege (fire-dragon-fly).
After he gets so hot that he starts to burn he lets the ocean evaporate, travels to the
center of the earth and meets the strange animals living there.

Story © Martin Baltscheit

Pages: 33

University Editorial Project (2010)

I made the editorial design and illustrations for the Japanese school book that
my Japanese teacher wrote. Since she couldn't find a good German Japanese book,
she wrote one herself.

Content © Sumiyo Vontin and Noriyasu Vontin
Design and Illustrations © Susanna Welzel
These are some photos of the book.

It's not complete, there are a total of 32 chapters, I made only 7.

Der Mond
University Illustration Project (2009)

The given topic was "Nacht und Nebel" (by night and fog).

I chose to draw a comic after the fairy tale "The Moon" written by Grimm Brothers.
It tells that the moon was once a round lantern on the top of a tree and was robbed
by four young men. They put it in their hometown on another tree and let people pay
them for the new light in the night. When they grew older and died, each one took
a piece of the moon into his grave so that it became dark again. But the light in the
underworld let the dead wake up. Petrus in heaven heard their noise and went down
to earth, took the moon and hung it - out of reach of greedy people - up in the sky.

Pages: 27

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